Worship Services
We move through a sequence of seasonal and festal Eucharistic services adapting the prayer book liturgies to the church calendar. Music and media elements are combined with spoken prayer and silence, along with embodied and sacramental participation in bread and wine, anointing, candle lighting, and other movement elements. We value the weaving of te reo Māori prayer and waiata into our liturgy.
Sunday 9.30am Eucharist & Morning Tea
Sunday 8.30am Contemplative prayer
A small group that meets for silent prayer before our Sunday Eucharist. All meditation practices welcome for a 20-minute sit bracketed by brief liturgical prayer and sometimes lectio divina. This group meets by arrangement – it happens most weeks but is occasionally cancelled due to illness etc. Contact us to get on their email list and receive updates.
Wednesday 10am Reflective Eucharist
& morning tea
A shorter and simpler Eucharist service, with a group of fellow travellers who enjoy each other’s company and also value praying with others mid-week. A reflection on a saint from the tradition or the gospel text for the day is offered.
Retirement & Rest home visits
Holy Communion is offered once a month at
Logan Campbell Ryman village.