Community Dinner – first Wednesday of the month 6pm-7.30pm.
A free meal for anyone who wants to gather with others for dinner once a month. All are welcome, for any reason, and we encourage people to bring kids, family members, friends, or to come alone and find good company and share good food – usually spaghetti with a vegetarian tomato-based sauce, salad and garlic bread.
Space is a 30-week programme for new parents. It provides a learning community to help parents bond with and care for their babies in a caring and supportive environment. We are offering this programme on Friday mornings from
18 October, through Term 4 of 2024
and Terms 1 and 2 of 2025.
For more information, and to sign up, please click here.

‘Manawa’ Creatives Group – every second Saturday morning of the month
Anyone with a creative desire to make, craft, write, grow – whether that’s words, fabric, paint, food, plants… a gathering to meet with others and share insights along the journey.

Gardening team
Got green fingers or thumbs? Or able to wield a hose? A small crew of dedicated folk look after the raised beds at the back of the church building. Neighbours and passers-by are welcome to sample the harvest, and excess produce goes into our Pātaka Kai (community pantry) or the salad for the community dinner.

Selwyn Centre 9.30am-12pm Tuesdays
A weekly get-together for over 65s.
Drop in for a cup of tea and a good chat with friends old and new. Enjoy some games, a bit of gentle exercise, and some laughter and fun.
Cost is $3 per session (incl morning tea). For more information contact the office and ask for our co-ordinator Angela to get in touch with you.