
Support us to meet our running costs
We rely on offerings, donations and fundraising to provide a living for
our Vicar, maintain our buildings and facilitate the various ministries
we offer in the community.
We don’t receive funding from a centralised source except by way of occasional grants tagged to specific community activities, such as
the Selwyn Centre and Space. As a small parish, we struggle to raise
enough money to keep the doors open and the lights on.
If you value an ongoing Anglican presence in Royal Oak, or if you find the resources on this site helpful, please consider helping us by making
a donation using the details below.

Roof Appeal
We are in the process of fundraising to replace our church roof, which was installed without building paper, leading to condensation issues and an ongoing mould problem inside the church.
For a church that operates with a big deficit each year, this is a huge challenge.
We have been relying for a long time on a generous bequest that is nearly all used up.
We don’t want a repair job to drastically shorten the life of our church.
If we are able to raise the full amount to get the roof fixed, that will mean we’ll be able to continue the services and activities we currently offer, for longer.
To donate to the roof appeal please use the account 12-3025-0219387-50
(with reference “Roof Appeal” in the particulars).
St John's Royal Oak
General Donation Details
Bank account: 12-3025-0219387-00
Charity Number: #CC31449
IRD Number: 34-024-604
All donations over $5 NZD are tax deductible. If you want a tax receipt for your donation and you're not a regular St John's member, please contact us with your details. Receipts are sent out after the end of the financial year.